just an apprentice

the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...

Monday, March 13, 2006

West meets East

The final writing project for my class, Conversations with Anabaptist Theology Today, will be a paper that engages the Anabaptist tradition in conversation with another tradition on one theological issue. Undoubtedly, my paper will be a conversation between Anabaptism and Eastern Orthodoxy--as this is the conversation that my journey has led me to over the last number of years.

I found the article on MCC's work in Syria to be fascinating. Interesting to see this bridge of experience between Mennonites and Orthodoxy.

I also find that this article does a masterful job of comparing and contrasting the divergent trajectories Christianity in the West and in the East has taken because of various historical/theological influences. I am intrigued by the possibilities of engaging Eastern Christianity as one who has been formed within the radical reformation wing of Western Christianity. This offers both joys and challenges. Yet I press on.


  • At 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow, Charry's article really points out the contrast, not only in world views, but also theological views! It is intriguing to also consider how different the cultures are and have developed too, between the East and the West. I think culture certainly affects our theological views and helps preserve particular values, good or bad. Charry does do a good job overviewing some major points. It would be interesting to hear her flesh out some of them a bit more.

    It looks like you have a big task ahead for your project, but as you stated, you have been thinking about this for a long time. I hope you share it with us when you are finished!

  • At 3:49 PM , Blogger Brian Miller said...

    dml, I agree with your observation regarding the influence of culture on our theological views. Charry even acknowledges this much in the article where she says that "linguistic and cultural differences, as well as issues of polity and politics, rendered the unity of the church tentative at least since the Council of Chalcedon (451 )"--a date much earlier than the more formal split in the 11th century. We are both students of culture--in no small part, I suppose, as a result of our cross-cultural experiences. This will no doubt be a layer of analysis I will need to include in my paper. With a required length of 15-20 pages, I doubt I will be posting it on this blog!!! So we'll see how sharing of the paper happens.

  • At 9:37 PM , Blogger Brian Miller said...

    thanks for your comments and visit to my blog. Are you originally from Dallas? What is your connection with Anabaptism? Visited your profile, but didn't see a link to your blog.


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