just an apprentice

the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The postmodern world...

“Postmodernity is the water we swim in. It is not a case of whether we like or not. Or agree with it or not. It is here. It exists. It just IS.” --Andrew Jones

I came across an article by Andrew Jones (tallskinnykiwi) on the postmodern transition. I believe it ties into the conversation between dml and me on the sociology of protestantism post. The postmodern paradigm has been a part of my thinking for some time now. Some of my readings along the way have included Leonard Sweet (SoulTsunami), Eddie Gibbs (ChurchNext), Brian McLaren (A New Kind of Christian, The Story We Find Ourselves In...), Stanley Grenz (A Primer on Postmodernism), Missional Church, Lesslie Newbigin (The Gospel in a Pluralist Society), etc.... All these along with the discovery of the historical Church and Apostolic Tradition have been a part of my thinking as I seek to be a part of the Church and God's mission in the world. It has made me a student, a seeker of Truth in communion with God and many conversation partners from diverse perspectives.

I find the article by Jones a good refresher in how language and ways of thinking about the world are changing. As a Christian, and someone who is looking for ways the Gospel connects and speaks to the changing cultural context, I find Jones' analysis fascinating. He draws from the story of Job to describe three major worldviews/ways of thinking that have been present in every historical era. The three worldviews are traditional, rational, mystical.

In this article, Jones references Brad Sargent, of Golden Gate Theologial Seminary, who sees three distinct postmodern thinkers and gives examples of them. One of these types that Sargent describes is the "Global-Nomads" or "Third-Culture Kids". Sargent says that many missionary's kids would fall under this category since they have learned to function in multiple environments.
Very interesting.

Another concept from this article that is intriguing-- Pre-modern worldview= God-centered; Modern worldview=man-centered; Postmodern worldview=environment-centered.


  • At 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Brian- I'm happy to see that there are some other "lanco" voices that are a part of this postmodern conversation! I'm the pastor of student ministries at Manor Church about 8 miles from you, and I've been diving into the emergent thought conversation for about a year or two now. Maybe we can do coffee sometime! (I'm leading students on a trip to NYC next week, but I'll be around after that!
    Peace on the journey...
    Keith Miller

  • At 9:33 AM , Blogger Brian Miller said...

    Sounds good...let's be in touch.


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